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From: Bob Harvey

My son Digby set up Ukraine Sunflower Aid to raise funding and distribute relief aid to refugees in Ukraine. This is an ongoing project: here are some updates:-

The volunteers have returned from Ukraine. Follow the vlog story here:-
- and my son Digby's report on being home, here:-
They are expecting to be featured in this weekend's Sunday Times, and you can follow the ongoing story here
And support the project here:-


11TH - 19TH DECEMBER 2021






Here's an update on my work in Bangalore:


Your contributions to our work are always much appreciated.
Drop me a line if you would like to know more about what we do.

30th August 2019

109th birth anniversary of Swami Abhishiktananda

** "... God is only known and possessed when the self has been finally left behind. The only way to this abandonment of self is the way of love, and for that very reason love is the supreme commandment and the summing up of the whole Gospel."

Swami Abhishiktananda          

                    ** Taken from: Saccidananda: A Christian Approach to Advaitic Experience, Delhi (ISPCK), 1974 (revised version of: Sagesse hindoue, mystique chrétienne, Paris, 1965); new edition, 1984; reprinted in 1997 p. 7.


André Mâge has shared the following message:-

Bonjour, Namaste,

En PJ le texte reçu ce jour de mon Grand Frère Gaston pour la préface du livre que je devrais écrire

Je rédige toujours un texte narratif, sans certitude de chercher à le publier; en tout état de cause il resterait pour moi un moyen " d'extraire " un vécu riche , mais également très lourd à porter.

Une thérapie par l'écriture , publiée ou pas !

En tout cas une fois de plus mon Grand Frère Gaston voit juste en moi et en ma démarche intérieure et c'est cela que je dois arriver à unir car mon action en Inde est directement liée  ma démarche qui se voudrait " spirituelle ", mot que je n'ose même pas employer me concernant.

Et pour unir ce chemin spirituel et d'actions tournées vers les autres il me faut ajouter une longue psychanalyse entreprise durant 20 ans de 1978 à 1999 et une reprise d'analyse que je n'aurais jamais envisagée des mon retour d'Inde en 2018...un chemin rude  très très dense.

Une sacrée prétention que de vouloir " livrer " une telle démarche...enfance difficile, foi, engagement de tout ordre, voyageur devant l’Éternel, recherche du Divin quasi permanente, et psychanalyse....et dans tout cela déterminer ce qui relève de la fuite / compensation et de la recherche réelle...où se trouve la frontière du réel dans une telle démarche ? Faut il seulement se poser la question ,?

Je vais l'écrire, publié ou pas !

Ne faut il pas essayer de se confronter au " réel " , " Réel ", avant de mourir ?

En partage


André Mâge



On entre dans ce livre en se demandant où on va arriver. On en ressort avec le sentiment  d’y avoir découvert un témoignage d’une grande  authenticité, d’une profonde humilité et d’une rare vérité.

Au démarrage de son périple, l’auteur n’est guère croyant, tout en gardant « la certitude du Divin » comme une intuition invérifiable. Son premier voyage en Inde le voit « bouleversé, fasciné, envoûté » par quelque chose qu’il ne peut nommer. Par pure chance –mais certainement pas par hasard – il tombe sur un livre livrant la pensée d’Henry Le Saux. La démarche de ce moine chrétien « chercheur de Dieu », enfoui dans l’hindouisme tout en restant fidèle à sa foi sur des sommets  vertigineux jamais rarement foulés par des ‘étrangers’, emporte l’adhésion d’André, cet industriel français qui avait tout abandonné pour « chercher à donner un sens à sa vie » Le livre sur Abhishiktananda lui donne l’impression d’assister à un « mariage entre la « mystique chrétienne et la sagesse hindouiste» Cette démarche inouïe par un personnage hors norme et  jusqu’auboutiste comme lui, d’éclanche la vocation d’André qui le prend comme Gourou, malgré sa mort quelques trente ans plus tôt. Esquivant le « facile exotisme » qui guette l’étranger dans les Ashrams des grands Maîtres spirituels, il décide de se lancer sur les traces d’Henry, depuis les tous débuts de sa recherche en France. Evidemment, il se heurte un peu partout aux « réticences des hommes de structures », en Europe comme en Asie. Il lui vient alors l’intuition fondamentale de « joindre l’action à la contemplation », car André est avant tout un homme d’action. Et maintenant de foi.  

Il tombe une fois encore, poussé par ses recherches, mais surtout l’Esprit, qui clairement le guide, sur Shantivanam, qui fut le tout premier ashram catholique et où  il découvre avec étonnement la fusion des deux fondateurs, dissemblables s’il en est, mais vivant une communion unique avec l’Inconnaissable et pourtant si abordable Être Suprême. C’est à une Présence qu’ils ont donnés leurs vies, et c’est à la même Présence qu’André décide, definitivement cette fois, d’orienter sa vie, mais dans l’action. Il nous raconte alors, paragraphes après paragraphes, ses rencontres parfois surprenantes avec ceux et celles qu’il appelle des « saints anonymes » (qui pullulent en Inde, je me permets de le rajouter !) Il découvre dans le même temps, la résilience des pauvres, qu’il qualifie de « purs » parce qu’ils…le sont vraiment ! Qui en Europe les a jamais considérés comme cela ?

Puis survient la découverte à grands pas, de « l’expérience du Divin » dans les grandes souffrances des malades du Sida, pour lesquels il lance des structures médicales, inadéquates, certes, mais d’autant plus efficaces que la pratique ici est plus importante que le savoir…Qui viendra quand même lorsqu’il se découvrira lui-même médecin généraliste et spécialisé du Sida. C’est là qu’il réalise, avec sa femme toute aussi dévouée et enthousiaste, sa propre « Expérience du Divin », qui le relancera sur les traces du cher Le Saux  à travers la Présence d’une Communion qui ne se livre guère,  mais au service d’une action sociale  qui l’emporte là où il n’avait jamais cru pouvoir aller, là où, après avoir compris « qu’on n’a rien donné tant qu’on n’a pas tout donné », on se sent obligé de se donner soi-même.

Ce livre ne s’explique pas. Il se vit. Et je souhait que chaque lecteur utilise l’humble recherche d’André pour se poser la question : « Mais finalement, quel est le sens de ma vie ? » Et s’il vit en Inde peut-être  pourra-t-il répondre comme moi : « Dans le mystère du « Saccidananda » de l’ashram de Shantivanam, dans le « Je Suis » de la communion entre le Père et le Fils dont Le Saux et Monchanin étaient les disciples et qui ont  guidés André sur le chemin de la « Vraie Liberté des enfants de Dieu »

Gaston Dayanand,

Laïc consacré suisse devenu indien depuis 1973.

From Rupert Sheldrake
London, January 17, 2019

My new book Ways To Go Beyond, and Why They Work is published in the UK next week in print, ebook and audio versions (read by me). It can be preordered from amazon.co.uk or from hive, a site that supports actual book shops, and is also slightly cheaper than amazon. This book will not be released in North America for at least a year, but the print edition can be ordered from amazon.co.uk It is a sequel to Science and Spiritual Practices, and discusses seven further spiritual practices, including some that are not usually thought of as spiritual, like sports and learning from animals. I also discuss spiritual openings through cannabis and psychedelics, as well as more traditional practices like fasting, prayer and celebrating holy days and festivals.

I will be giving several talks about this book in Britain, including book-launches in London on January 28 and February 7, and in Edinburgh on February 11. Details are on my schedule.

The sound track of the new iPhone ad is a song called "Come Along" by my son Cosmo. You can see it yourself on Youtube. His brother Merlin and I will be giving a workshop together on March 2 in Londonon the themes of my new book, and also a four-day workshop in Canada, at Hollyhock, on Cortes Island, BC, from July 31-August 4.

A new talk of mine on Psi in Everyday Life given at the University of Northampton is now online. You can also listen to my latest dialogue with Mark Vernon on Subtle Bodies.

I am doing research on spiritual experiences that occur while taking part in sports. If you would like to share something about your own experiences (in confidence) please email me atsheldrake@sheldrake.org

Rupert Sheldrake


Roland Ropers sent a photo of the cover of his book on Bede Griffiths - See below:-

In Hindu tradition you speak of Jivanmukta, of total liberation while still alive. In this state one has integrated his whole being in the one Supreme Reality. This is when emptiness becomes fullness, beyond the beyond, here and know.

Existing from the beginning, hidden behind your body, senses, your feelings and all your limitations.

 We are all manifestations of the Supreme Wisdom and Reality.


My new book „MYSTIKER und WEISE unserer ZEIT“ (320 pages) will be published in February 2019 with a cover photo of Bede Griffiths taken in September 1992 in Big Sur/California. The chapter about Bede Griffiths is titled: „Die Liebe ist das Grundprinzip des Universums“ („Love is the fundamental principle of the Universe“)
The last chapter in my book deals with Selvarajan Yesudian (1916 - 1998) Der Geist in Dir ist der König“ („The Spirit within yourself is the King“
Yesudian was a famous yoga teacher, born in Sholinghur/Tamil Nadu (his parents were medial doctors). In 1936 he came from India to Hungary to study medicine. Later he moved to Zurich/Switzerland, where he had his Yoga Center.


Time for a career change!

I am on my way to India to work with the team on our Five Year Plan. We are setting out our vision for the future of the Building Blocks educational project.

When we have determined our specific objectives, we shall work out how to achieve our ambition of creating an Escape from Poverty for thousands of children who currently live in slum conditions.

You'll find more details by following this link to the blog. https://bobharvey5.blogspot.com/

19th June Feast of SAINT ROMUALD (founder of the Camaldolese Order)

February 7th, is the historical feast day of St. Romuald which is now celebrated on June 19th the day he died in 1027.

“Realize above all that you are in God’s presence, and stand there with the attitude of one who stands before the emperor. Empty yourself completely and sit waiting, content with the grace of God, like the chick who tastes nothing and eats nothing but what his mother brings him.”

St. Romuald 


"Behind all the differences of religion which are infinite in the scale of multiplicity we find a common tradition a common wisdom which we all share and that’s the hope of the future – religions will discover their own depth. As long as they remain on their surface they will always be divided in conflict." Bede Griffiths

Sister Marie Louise of Ananda Ashram


Dear Brothers, sisters and Friends,
Saccidananda Ashram Shantivanam is saddened to announce the death of our dear sister Marie Louise. Who passed away this evening Sunday 12th March 2017 at 08:45 p.m., in Ananda Ashram.
Eternal rest grant unto her oh Lord, and let the perpetual light shine upon her. May her soul rest in peace… Amen.

Bonjour, Namaste,

A 20 jours de notre retour en France nous vous adressons ce nouveau numero de EN DIRECT DE KAVALI en PJ et en PDF  Bonne lecture et a votre disposition si vous le desirez...echanger et partager , y compris les desaccords, ne peut etre qu'enrichissant. En Cliquant sur le lien  http://andre-mage.com/  vous aurez en lecture direct l'article que j'ai redige.

Bien Cordialement.

Andre et Catherine Kavali / Kandukur

Andre Mage

EDK n- 15 format pages A4 (2).pdf EDK n- 15 format pages A4 (2).pdf
Size : 549.065 Kb
Type : pdf

Happy Diwali! 

May you all attain full inner illumination! May the supreme light of lights enlighten your understanding! May you all attain the inexhaustible spiritual wealth of the Self! May you all prosper gloriously on the material as well as spiritual planes!

Swami Sivananda. 

To All the Oblates and friends of Shantivanam the happiest of New Year's ever. May we first of all ask Mary, Jesus' Mother to let HIM know our need.  And when HE asks her "what does that have to do with me?"  She knows what to answer with -  "silence" to HIM and whatever else needs to be asked of whomsoever.  And may the "wine" that comes forth last you, each of you and all of us - last all year!  No doubt, dear Fr. Bede is adding a word for/to each of us "do whatever HE tells you!" Prayers for each of you - and as Pope Francis so often requests "pray for each of us too."please include all Americans."  

One sr. pascaline and all your fellow Oblates


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Sprach- & Kulturphilosoph

Kolumnist EPOCH TIMES, Berlin
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75 Mystic-Giants of our times - book presentation Vienna, 4th April 2017


20th May 2016

My dear friends,

I am sorry to send you a round robin but it feels more personal than Facebook and I wanted to be in touch with you all so

Greetings from  Alexandreia , Northern Greece  near the border with Macedonia. As many of you  know  when the Pope took 3 Syrian refugees familes back to the Vatican I decided it was time to stop shouting at David  Cameron on tv and radio and do something  myself so ... here I am  and some of you sweetly asked me to let you know how things are going  so  I will do my best to share what I have discovered ....But where and how to start?  The problem so immense, the suffering so vast , the pain so huge and at times overwhelming.

Spent the first 3 days in Athens  just trying to find out whats going on ,not easy but on day one went to Victoria Square where refugees from Syria,Afghanistan,  Morocco, Libya, Somalia etc gather. It was pretty heartbreaking. Families wandering about with nowhere to go filling the benches in the park. Police politely asking them to move on which they did but where to go? The day is so long when you have no home. One delightful young family from Afghanistan told me they are in a camp but no money ,no work,he was a medical engineer back home ,no hope ,and wish they had never left the violence, better to die on the spot at the hands of the Taliban than die here every day,they will ask to be repatriated and probably killed.  For now all they do is wait, and wait and worry about their children who should be in school . Processing applications takes for ever.They can't leave till given permission!

Checked out Hotel  Plaza off the square ,huge place ,squatted 3 weeks ago by young Greek volunteers  now home to 300 families delighted to have a room per family, bathroom, running water ,security, privacy, almost luxury after the gruesome conditions at the port .Fed by volunteers carting boxes of fruit and veg up the interminable  stairs to the fancy hotel kitchens.  Apparently it was owned by a wealthy Syrian who wasn't planning to evict them.They had struck lucky at least for now. But  sorry its FULL !said the notice on the door.

Day 2 and 3   I spent at the port of Piraeus where thousands of refugees had landed after their terrifying journey from their homelands and huge cruise liners are arriving full of wealthy tourists. The docks had been covered with tents but now refugees are hastily been shipped out to camps in Athens and around Greece, tent cities not a pretty site for the tourists and the Greek  economy desperately needs any money it can get.   Greece is currently accommodating something like 59,000 refugees!  A bankrupt country burdened with such a tide of suffering, dispossessed humanity!  What a tragedy!

But at dock E1 and 2 hundreds of refugees remain in their tents on the  tarmac mainly Afghanis .Syrians seem to get priority.  Volunteers cooking vast meals in huge dark smelly warehouses also filled with tents!  A ghastly environment in which to set up home.  A wonderful woman from USA had arrived in February gathered a couple of caravans and set up a  support centre for women, offering pregnancy testing, check ups with midwife or doctors who are on site,   contraceptive advise and a particularly sweet van offering warm water baby bathing! lots of cuddles and love! I spent  a happy day filling carrier  bags with nourishing food for pregnant and nursing mums. Many are suffering from malnutrition.  Generous donors from  Sweden and Ireland dropped by with boxes of goodies. Tuna,nuts ,raisins high energy bars,fruit.

Conditions were grim. Unfortunately I had to use the toilets ,truly disgusting in spite of the good offices of the port cleaning gang.  For people used to squat toilets they must be a nightmare.  I am truly amazed that the refugees seem to cope as well as they do. Constantly  being checked by the police for their papers.  Living in gruesome conditions. Of course I don't really know anything!

So I had done the research now what should I do? Where should I volunteer for the next couple of weeks?
Athens didn't feel the right place to stay. Too chaotic, I needed a proper project so looked on Facebook my new toy and found Paul Hutchings and this camp in Alexandreia. Applied to sign up,was accepted and I was on my way.

So Day 4 a splendid train ride, 5 hours for €33 up to  Alexandreia, the birthplace of Alexander the Great...well .its a pretty deprived and impoverished town now...Fine hotel for  £15 a night including breakfast , special rates for volunteers! Yanya a delightful  hostess  making us all so welcome. Feel very blessed and relieved to have a quiet and comfortable place to recover from a day in the camp.

Now I am working with a good team of volunteers in the camp set up at the beginning of April on a disused  army camp along  with the police . Paul and John another Brit  set up www.refugeesupport.eu   to finance the work here  and I and others chose to come here cos they have a pretty good structure and an organisation to navigate this complex situation. They have done a brilliant job but still life is incredibly tough for the 700 refugees here so far. Tents are pitched on tarmac and cement , its hot and uncomfortable and floods when it rains.
Its pretty heartbreaking as you can imagine.  750 Syrians are living in tents provided by UNHCR  ,pitched on tarmac and concrete, some lucky ones have shelter from the sun under roofs but mainly they are in full sun and its hot already.  I took  tea with a  sweet  family,husband, wife and gorgeous one year old in their tent,both graduates Kurds from Aleppo speaking perfect English . They had lost everything but what does the future hold for them,begging me to get them to England?  " How will we live in this tent in the summer, already its too hot for Judy ?the little one we need air conditioning, and in winter how will we survive?  " They are desperate, hundreds of desperate people.   over 50% of the camp residents are children so far with nothing to do. No hope,no future?

Our job as volunteers is to run and stock the shop . The camp is divided into 7 groups and twice a week they come to collect food supplied by Mr John and Refugee Support with donations from  abroad. 500 kilos of muesli from  Germany,  bras are on their way from?  Milk ,soap powder ,shampoo ,pampers coffee ,sugar etc is sourced locally by Mr John . The army provides 3 meals a day croissant and box of juice for breakfast, pasta for lunch ,potatoes for supper.  no sauce, no fruit, no vegetables!   Again  John  tries to provide some fruit but such a mass of people to feed!  A bottomless pit ! A nightmare?  
Have spent the last 2 days sorting endless bags of clothes and shoes so that on Monday we can open a clothes shop.  Everyone needs new clothes and their shoes are in dire condition!  Its raining today!   Apparently another 100 refugees are on their way.  The camp at Idomeini near the Macedonian border is being closed . They were teargassed yesterday. 40 unaccompanied  children  will also  join us!  Mr Cameron are you listening? 

I  am so inspired by the volunteers, hundreds of them here in Greece,  mainly young people from Europe, the US willing to give up their jobs to come and serve the refugees. Mr John is not young!  A few oldies around !  And amazed on the whole  by the resilience of the refugees who come into the shop,never grasping ,grateful for everything they are given  , saying no we don't need more sugar ,only one milk please? Extraordinary!  How would I behave in their shoes? I hope I would be so pleasant.

Slowly  other NGO s are coming in cos the camp has a good  reputation thanks to John and Paul.  Some are  here to provide  health and safety for kids ,women and men , others offering education ,some sport. A clown shipped up yesterday ,great fun.Today  250 beds were distributed by UNHCR .  The greek government has committed to provide education for all children but... These are traumatised  people  with huge needs both physical, psychological and spiritual.  There are Syrian Muslims,  Kurdish Muslims,  some Christians,  Zoroastrian and a Sufi I think there is an Imam here too.

How will this humanitarian crisis be resolved?  Apparently in a couple of weeks  assessments will begin  ,some will qualify for  Germany but what will happen to   sweet Judy and his mum and dad?  They have no relatives in Europe, they left too late to get over the borders  they have no money, they can't work,can't go back .....Few want to come to England  Cameron will be pleased to hear!

So dear friends I am soooo glad I came.  It will be hard to leave after 3 weeks ..If anyone feels they could offer a donation however small that would be wonderful  ,just go to the website  www.refugeesupport.eu  and read all about the work here  . The needs are  huge,  our sisters and brothers are suffering unbelievable hardships

my love to you all
Jill  xx

16th May 2016 

"Pentecost is the celebration of the divine spirit dwelling in our heart. 
A day of love and understanding of different languages. 
My wish as an oblate of shantivanam is that we all could deeply merge into the inspiration 
and „language" of each other and the different cultures and spiritual traditions, 
finding love and unity in diversity."

Peace and love




You may also listen to mp3's of chants above the prayers


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