John Martin Sahajananda
One day God called the Archangel Gabriel and said, ‘Gabriel, I want to send you on an important mission. But before that, I want you to go to the Caribbean Sea and watch what is happening there’. While angel Gabriel was watching at the sea, a turtle came from the sea, dug the sand, laid eggs, buried them and went back to the sea. Then he saw in another place a nest of turtles. They were just coming out of the sand and running towards the sea. Suddenly, some serpents appeared and snatched away all the baby turtles. None of them could reach the sea. Archangel Gabriel was horrified.
When the angel returned from the Caribbean Sea, God asked, ‘Gabriel, did you see what is happening to the turtles? The angel responded, ‘yes, Your Majesty, it is horrifying’. Then God said, ‘the same thing is happening to human beings. I am like a turtle coming out of my infinite sea and laying eggs on the beach of this world. Every birth of a child is like a baby turtle that comes out of the sand and tries to move towards the sea. But there are so many predators on the way that it does not reach me. I manifest every child for eternity, to unfold life, but I am very sorry to realize that children are not given the opportunity to realize their destiny, to realize their uniqueness and live for eternity, unfolding life. They are chosen by others for becoming, for acquiring. They are led in the wrong direction. Those who are supposed to help children realize this truth have forgotten their call and have become like predators snatching them away. I celebrated Christmas when Mary and Joseph accepted my call and gave birth to my child. I wanted them to be a model to all parents so that every birth is celebrated as Christmas. But unfortunately, I celebrate it occasionally more like an accident. I conceive millions of times but only some reach the stage of delivery, so few reach my infinite ocean. They are snatched away in the process. Then the angel asked, ‘Your Majesty, who are these serpents, these predators?’ God answered, ‘they are parents, kings, priests, prophets, wise men and business persons. I have appointed them to be foster parents for my children, but they make them their own, like a tenant who appropriates his master’s land. They snatch away my children for their continuity just as birds snatch away the seeds that fall on the ground. It is unfortunate that so few reach the destiny for which they are meant. I am eager to celebrate Christmas again and again. I wish that every child born in this world reaches my infinite ocean. I am not satisfied with memorials. I want to become a father and a mother again and again. So I am sending you to the earth to invite all those who do this harm, knowingly and unknowingly, to renounce this path of ignorance and become spiritual virgins so that they can cooperate with my plan and facilitate the spiritual growth of my children.
Anna and John were a newly married couple in Nazareth. One day while they were praying, the Angel Gabriel appeared to them and said, ‘Hail Anna and John, full of grace, the Lord is with you’. Anna and John were in awe to hear this strange greeting and to see a form that was almost invisible. John asked: who are you, Lord, and what does this greeting mean? The angel replied: I am Archangel Gabriel and I serve in the presence of God. God has sent me to you with a message: God wants you to be virgin parents and to be an example to the future mankind. Anna replied: ‘Lord, how is it possible? We are married and I am now in the sixth month pregnant also. How can we be virgin parents? The Angel replied, ‘Anna and John, it has nothing to do with physical virginity. Parents become virgin parents by realizing that their children are not their children but God’s children coming through them. They become virgin parents when they renounce their personal ambitions for their children and choose them for God, for eternity and not for their continuity. Parents become virgin parents when they affirm that their children are unique manifestations of God and are not meant to be used by others for their continuity. Parents become virgin parents when they serve their children as foster parents or nannies to God’s children.
Unfortunately and out of ignorance parents imagine that children are their children. They nourish personal ambitions for their children and choose them for their continuity and thus take away their uniqueness. God wants you to affirm this truth and be an example of this truth to the whole of humanity.
Anna and John replied:’ we are the servants of the Lord, let God’s will be done in us’. Then the angel left them.
One day king Herod was sitting in his palace garden enjoying the beautiful flowers. Suddenly he heard a voice saying: Hail King Herod, full of grace. The Lord is with you. Blessed are you among the kings'. King Herod was surprised and wondered what this greeting might mean. He could only perceive an invisible form. King Herod said, 'who are you Lord and what does your greeting mean? The voice replied, ' I am Archangel Gabriel and I serve in the presence of God. God has sent me to announce good news to you. God wants you to become a virgin king'. Herod was surprised and said, 'Oh my Lord, I do not understand what you are saying. I am a married person with children. What does it mean to be a virgin king?’ The Angel replied, O king, it has nothing to do with physical virginity. It deals with your inner virginity, your inner attitude. A king becomes a virgin king when he renounces his desire for power and continuity and instead acts as a representative of God to serve people. A king becomes a virgin king when he chooses children for God and for eternity. A king becomes a virgin king when he welcomes new life as God’s life. As for now you desire the continuity of your power and position and choose children for the continuity of your power and your children's power. Choosing children for one's continuity is to kill them psychologically before they are born. A king who does this will be considered a murderer of innocent children. Children are born just to give a mechanical continuity to the past. They have no life of their own. This king will live in constant insecurity and fear and does not hesitate to use violence to eliminate those whom he considers a threat to his power and position. Now, God wants you to become a virgin king by renouncing your desire for power and position and instead choose children for God, for eternity. God wants you to welcome children as unique manifestations of God, as children of God and help them to realize their uniqueness. In this way, you become a model king to all the future kings, queens and political rulers. King Herod replied, ‘I am the servant of the Lord; let God’s will be done in me'. Then the angel left him.
One day while Zachariah, the priest, was praying in the Holy Place, he heard a voice, 'Hail Zachariah, full of grace, the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among the priests'. Zachariah was surprised and looked at the direction from where the voice came but he saw only a column of light. He said, 'who are you Lord and what does your greeting mean?’ The voice replied, ' I am Archangel Gabriel and I serve in the presence of the Lord. God has sent me with good news to you. God wants you to be a virgin priest'. Zachariah, the priest replied, ' O my Lord, what does it mean to be a virgin priest? I am a married person with children. How can I be a virgin priest?’Does God want me to renounce my family and take up a celibate life? The angel replied,’ Zachariah, it does not matter if you are a married priest or a celibate priest. It has nothing to do with your physical virginity. It has to do with your spiritual virginity. A priest becomes a virgin priest when he chooses people for God and not for a religion. A priest becomes a virgin priest when he says that religion is for the sake of human beings and not human beings for the sake of religion. A priest becomes a virgin priest when he transforms religion into a womb which conceives, protects, nourishes and then gives birth to children into God. A priest becomes a virgin priest when he sustains that religion is only a foster parent to God's children. Unfortunately religion is not fulfilling this role. Religion is choosing children for its continuity and thus blocking the spiritual evolution of human beings. It has become a predator which snatches people and does not allow them to journey to God. God wants you to become a virgin priest who facilitates the spiritual evolution of human consciousness towards God and thus you become a model to all the priests and all religions. Zachariah, the priest, replied, ‘I am the servant of the Lord. Let God’s will be done in me’. Then the angel left him.
John was a member of a religious community. He was preparing himself and his community for the coming of God’s kingdom. One day while he was alone and praying, he heard a voice, ‘Hail John, full of grace. The Lord is with you’ Blessed are you among men’. John was surprised and looked at the direction from where the voice came but he did not see any one but a presence of light. He said, ‘who are you Lord? What does your greeting mean?’ The voice replied, ‘I am Archangel Gabriel. I serve in the presence of God. God has sent me to you with a message. God wants you to be a virgin prophet and then a model to all the prophets’. John asked, O Lord, what does it mean to be a virgin prophet? I know God calls some to be prophets but I do not understand what it means to be a virgin prophet. Does God want me to remain celibate, un-married’? The Angel replied to John, ‘it has nothing to do with your state of celibacy and marriage. A prophet becomes a virgin prophet if he prepares the way to the truth written in the heart. A prophet becomes a virgin prophet if he does not lay down any permanent rule of life for people but invites them to discover the truth within. A prophet becomes a virgin prophet if he prepares the way for the birth of God, the birth of eternity in the human souls. A prophet becomes a virgin prophet if he chooses children for God, for eternity but not for the continuity of the past. A prophet becomes a virgin prophet if he facilitates the spiritual evolution of human consciousness into oneness with God. So far the prophets have laid down an absolute rule of life that people have to follow, be loyal to it and give continuity to it. This has served its purpose but now it has become an obstacle for the spiritual growth of human beings. It has become static and does not allow people to realize their ultimate destiny of oneness with God. Children are born just to give continuity to the established rule of life. So God wants you to become a virgin prophet who prepares the way for the birth of eternity, the birth of God. It means to choose every child as a unique manifestation of God and not as a means to the continuity of the past into the future.’ John replied, ‘I am the servant of the Lord. Let God’s will be done in me’. Then the angel left him.
Once there were three philosophers in a country. Each one formulated a system of truth and many became their disciples and followers. One day the three of them came together and had discussions on their theories of truth. Suddenly they heard a voice, ' Hail O wise ones; the Lord is with you. Blessed are you among all philosophers.' The learned ones were surprised and one of them asked, 'who are you Lord and what does this greeting mean?’ The voice replied, 'I am Archangel Gabriel. God has sent me to you with a message. God wants you to be virgin philosophers and be a model for all philosophers'. The second philosopher asked, ' O my Lord, what does it mean to be a virgin philosopher? We are all married persons with children'. The angel replied, ‘O learned one; it has nothing to do with your physical virginity but with your inner attitude. A virgin philosopher is one who knows that Truth is a pathless land and it cannot be put into a system. To put Truth into a system is to kill it. A virgin philosopher does not propagate his philosophy but invites people to seek Truth. A virgin philosopher will not have disciples or followers but only friends. He washes the feet of his or her disciples. He chooses children for eternity and not for the continuity of a system of truth.
Truth does not continue but manifests eternity in the present. It manifests moment by moment. It is original and creative. Every human being is a unique manifestation of God and is called to live an original and creative life. To reduce people into followers of a system of truth or any ideology is to take away their dignity and make them into second-hand human beings. Those who live in Truth live like fish in water and birds in the sky. It is like someone walking on the water. They do not enter the traces left by others and they do not leave traces for others to follow. God wants you to be virgin philosophers so that you renouce your desire for the continuity of your system and choose people for God, for eternity. That means it is to affirm that every human being is a unique manifestation of God and destined to make a unique journey into the ocean of God. It is to affirm that every human being has the potential to say, 'I am the way, the truth and the life'. All systems of Truth are only a help, like a boat or a nest, until a person realizes this truth and learns to walk on the water. God wants you to be a model to all philosophers in the world'. The learned ones replied, 'we are the servants of the Lord; let God's will be done in us'. Then the angel left them.
Mathias was a business man. His business prospered and he became very rich. One evening he was sitting in his shop. He was alone. Suddenly he heard a voice, ‘Hail Mathias, full of grace, the Lord is with you’. Mathias was surprised and looked at the direction from where the voice came. He did not see anyone except a presence of light. Mathias asked, ‘Who are you Lord? What does your greeting mean?’ The voice replied, ‘I am Archangel Gabriel. I serve in the presence of God. God has sent me to you with a message. God wants you to be a virgin business person and be a model to all business persons in the world’. Mathias replied, ‘O my Lord, I am a married man with children. How can I be a virgin business person’? The Angel replied, ‘Mathias, it has nothing to do with your physical virginity but with your inner attitude. It has to do with your spiritual virginity’. A business person becomes a virgin business person if he or she does not use people as objects to earn profit and become rich. A business person becomes a virgin business person if he or she considers others as unique manifestations of God and encounters God in them. A business person becomes a virgin business person if he or she transforms his or her life into the life of God and his or her actions into actions of God, living a life of unfolding and not a life of becoming. There is so much inequality, injustice, poverty and economic violence in the world because each one is trying to use others as objects for his or her enrichment. To choose others for one’s own enrichment is to take away their dignity. It is making others as objects. It is a kind of psychological killing. God wants you to renounce this path and become a virgin business person and contribute to equality, justice, prosperity for everyone and economic peace. God wants you to be a model for all business persons in the world. Mathias replied: ‘I am the servant of the Lord; let God’s will be done in me’. Then the angel left him.
After three months while Anna and John were in Bethlehem to register their names, Anna had labour pains. Since the inn where they were staying was overcrowded, she was taken to the manger for privacy and there she gave birth to twins: a girl and a boy. They wrapped them in swaddling clothes and laid them in the manger. Suddenly a bright star appeared in the sky and its ray touched the house where they were residing. There was a talk all over the world that a great person has been born in this world. Anna and John brought the children to their native village, Nazareth. The ray of the star followed them and rested on their house. The relatives and friends of Anna and John gathered around them and asked: what names will you give to your wonder children? Anna and John said: we have realized that our life is not our life but God's life and our actions are not our actions but God's actions. Our children are not our children but God’s children. Only God lives. We are only foster parents to God’s children. Hence these children will be called, ‘the Daughter of God’ and ‘the Son of God’. Everyone present there were amazed with these words and glorified God. Then Anna and John knelt down at the presence of their children and said: children, you are unique manifestations of God born to manifest eternity in time. We renounce all our personal desires and ambitions for you. We will be at your service to help you to discover your unique vocation and your ultimate destiny’. Then they washed the feet of their children as a sign of their commitment. Then they offered them white garments as a gift.
All the persons who have been visited by the angel Gabriel saw the star and realized that an extraordinary event has happened and began their journey to see the divine children guided by the ray of the star.
King Herod came with his family and knelt down near the children and said: ‘my dear children, you are unique manifestations of God born to manifest eternity in time. I renounce all my ambitions for you. I will not use you for my service but I and my children will be at your service to help you to discover your uniqueness and your ultimate destiny’. Then he washed the feet of the children as a sign of his commitment and then offered two small royal sceptres as gifts to the children. Then Zachariah, the priest came with his assistants, knelt down and said: ‘my dear children, you are unique manifestations of God born to manifest eternity in time. Religion will not use you for its continuity but will be at your service to help you to discover your uniqueness and your ultimate destiny’. Then he washed the feet of the children as a sign of his commitment and then he offered mini priestly garments as gifts to the children. Then John, the Prophet came with his companions, knelt down and said, ‘my dear children, you are unique manifestations of God born to manifest eternity in time. The Rule of Life will not use you for its continuity but will be at your service to help you to realize your uniqueness and your ultimate destiny of union with God’. Then he washed the feet of the children as a sign of his commitment and presented his Rule of Life as a gift to the children. Then the three philosophers came with their books of knowledge. They knelt down and said: ‘my dear children, you are unique manifestations of God born to manifest eternity in time. We will not use you for the continuation of our knowledge or ideology but help you to discover the wisdom that is written in your heart. You will not be at the service of our knowledge but our knowledge will be at your service until you discover Wisdom’. Then they washed the feet of the children as a sign of their commitment and offered their books of knowledge as a gift to the children. Then Mathias, the businessman came with his assistants. He also knelt down and said: ‘my dear children, you are unique manifestations of God born to manifest eternity. I will not use you as objects to enrich myself but I will be at your service to help you to realize your uniqueness and ultimate destiny’. He then washed the feet of the children as a sign of his commitment and then he offered fruits and grains as a gift to the children.
All the people who came to see the children also poured water on the feet of the children as a commitment that they respect the uniqueness of the children and help them to realize their unique vocation.
At that time in the same town there were some shepherds watching over their flock. Suddenly an angel of the Lord appeared to them and said, ‘Fear not. I bring you good news of great joy. Today God has become a father and a mother. Today God will celebrate Christmas. Thanks to the virgin parents who have cooperated with the plan of God and have given birth to two divine children, a girl and a boy. All great people have come to receive these children and pay homage to them. See the bright star that has appeared in the sky and its powerful ray is resting on the house where the children are. Everyone is led by the star to the house. Follow the ray of the star and you will come to the house where there will be a festive mood with horses and chariots all around. Inside you will find two children wrapped in clothes on a table. The shepherds greatly rejoiced and ran towards the house according to the direction given by the angel and they found the children as described by the angel. They were overwhelmed to see the presence of the King, the Priest, and the Prophet, the Philosopher, the Business Person and so many other people. They knelt down and said, ‘children, you are unique manifestations of God born to manifest eternity. We will be at your service to help you to realize your unique call’. Then they also washed the feet of the children as a sign of their commitment and offered some milking sheep as a gift to the children. Then, one of the shepherds, filled by the Holy Spirit, looked at Anna and John and said: Blessed are you, Anna and John and blessed are your children! Blessed are you for trusting in the call of God and responding generously!
Blessed are you for becoming an example to all parents.
You have initiated a new heaven and a new earth!
Your children are the first fruits of this new age!
May this tree of life never cease bearing fruits!
These children will break down all barriers!
They will create one God, one creation and one human kind!
They will liberate people from all their burdens and make them free!
They will declare the dignity of human beings above all institutions!
They will bring unity and peace in the world!
They will establish the kingdom of God on the earth!
Suddenly a host of angels appeared in the sky and sang: Glory to God who has manifested this creation! Glory to God who is the ground of all creation!
Glory to God who dwells in the heart of all creatures!
Glory to God who is merciful, compassionate and gives unconditional love!
Glory to God who liberates people from sin and ignorance!
Glory to God who is the giver of peace!
Glory to God who has entered into this world for the love of creation!
Peace to all people who live according to God’s will!
Then God called the Angel Gabriel and said, ‘Gabriel, go to the Caribbean Sea and watch what is happening there.’ The Archangel went to the Caribbean Sea and was watching there. A turtle came out of the sea onto the beach, dug the sand, laid eggs, buried them and went back to the sea. After some time baby turtles came out of the sand and were rushing towards the sea. Suddenly several serpents appeared and formed like protective fence along the path so that the baby turtles can make their journey to the sea. All the baby turtles reached the sea. The Archangel was very pleased and was full of joy. When the Archangel returned to God, it said, ‘Your Majesty, it is good news. All the baby turtles are reaching the sea. The predators have become the protectors of life, facilitators of growth. They have become givers of life. Thanks to the virgin parents and thanks to all others spiritual virgins who have responded to your call! Then God said: Today is the day of great joy.
Today is the day of salvation!
Today is the day when human beings have become virgins!
Today is the day when I gave birth to children again!
Today is the day when I became a Father and Mother again!
Today is the day when a new heaven and a new earth have begun!
Let us celebrate Christmas!
May this celebration never cease!
There was great feast in heaven. The angels sang:
The Glory of God is a human being who has become a spiritual virgin! The Glory of God is a human being who has become a child of God!
The Glory of God is a human being who manifests eternity in time!
The Glory of God is a human being who sees God everywhere and in everyone! The Glory of God is a human being who has transformed his life into God’s life! The Glory of God is a human being who unfolds life!
The Glory of God is a human being who manifests God’s love in relationships!
Amen! Amen! Amen.
John Martin Sahajananda Shantivanam, 11.11.2013, the feast of St. Martin of Tours