Dec. 18th 2021 – Saturday

4:00 PM IST (GMT + 5:30) – from India

Talk by Fr. Sebastian Thottippatt 

Available on pdf. file below 

Dec. 13th 2021 - Monday 

8:00 PM SAST (GMT + 2)  – from South Africa

Talk by Dudley Schreiber: “Reflections on Learning Christ in Christ and through Christ in the Twentieth Century - A personal journey.” 

Available on pdf. file below 

Talk by Dudley Schreiber - Reflection.pdf Talk by Dudley Schreiber - Reflection.pdf
Size : 47.715 Kb
Type : pdf

Dec. 14th 2021 - Tuesday 

8:00 PM IST (GMT + 5:30) – from India

Talk by Judy Siqueira: “Deep Incarnation and Deep Ecology in Three Traditions: Hinduism, Buddhism and Christiay.” 

Available on pdf. file below

Dec. 19th 2021 - Sunday 

4:00 PM IST (GMT + 5:30) – from India

Talk by Sr. Rose Pudukadan: “Jesus Prayer.”
Available on pdf. file below

Rose. Jesus Prayer. Santivanam 21.pdf Rose. Jesus Prayer. Santivanam 21.pdf
Size : 88.704 Kb
Type : pdf



Resting in the Heart of Creation 


Dec. 11th 2021 - Saturday 

4:00 PM IST (GMT + 5:30)  – from India

Opening Ceremony at Shantivanam 


Welcoming to the Gathering by Tina Goodchild  

Lighting up the Lamps – people may light up candles at their homes 

Talk by Fr. Dorathick Rajan: "Resting in the Heart of Creation.” 

Silent Meditation  


8:00 PM IST (GMT + 5:30) 

              Vande Satchidananda Chanting with Marcos Mohan and Zen Moraes 

PARTICIPANTS SHARING – Open Mic. 5 minutes each maximum time - a brief introduction, place where we are joining from and how we got connected to Shantivanam  



Dec. 12th 2021 - Sunday 

4:00 PM IST (GMT + 5:30)

               Vande Satchidananda Chanting with Marcos Mohan and Zen Moraes 

Talk by Fr. George Nelliyanil  - joining from Rome

"All is one in the Lord"  -  "See now the whole universe with all things that move and move not, and whatever thy soul may yearn  to see. See It all as One in me." - Bhagavad Gita 11,7 

8:00 PM IST (GMT + 5:30)  – from India

Talk by Br. John Martin Sahajananda


Dec. 13th 2021 - Monday 

8:00 PM SAST (GMT + 2)  – from South Africa

Talk by Dudley Schreiber: “Reflections on Learning Christ in Christ and through Christ in the Twentieth Century - A personal journey.” 


Dec. 14th 2021 - Tuesday 

1:00 PM EST (GMT - 5)  – from the USA

Talk by Edward Emery: “Paths of Illumination: Dzogchen and Christian Mysticism.” 


8:00 PM IST (GMT + 5:30) – from India

Talk by Judy Siqueira: “Deep Incarnation and Deep Ecology in Three Traditions: Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity.” 


Dec. 15th 2021 - Wednesday 

9:00 PM EST (GMT - 5) – from the USA 

Talk by DEWnada: “Transodox Linguistic Lila in Creation’s Heart-Asyla" 

3:30 PM (GMT + 1)  – from Germany

Talk by Andreas Reimers: “Climate Crisis and ‘Laudato Si’.” 


Dec. 16th 2021 - Thursday 

2:30 PM (GMT) –  from U.K.

Guided Meditation by Yoda Christou

"Resting in the Heart of Creation: A Guided Meditation on Job 12:7-10"

9:00 PM BRT (GMT - 3) –  from Brazil


“Repousando no Coração da Criação.” (Resting in the Heart of Creation) 


Dec. 17th 2021 - Friday 

6:30 AM IST (GMT + 5:30) – from India


Morning Prayers, Mass and Fr. Bede Griffith's Birthday Celebrations  


4:00 PM IST  GMT + 5:30) – from India

Video presentation: A Talk from Fr. Bede Griffiths


8:00 PM IST  (GMT + 5:30)

Artistic Offerings in Celebration of Fr. Bede’s Birthday 

Indian Dance by Sr. Valsa Devassy’s Group 

Indian Classical Raags on Sarod and Music by Marcos Mohan and Zen Moraes  


Dec. 18th 2021 – Saturday

4:00 PM IST (GMT + 5:30) – from India

Talk by Fr. Sebastian Thottippatt 

8:00 PM IST (GMT + 5:30)

Vande Satchidananda Chanting with Marcos Mohan and Zen Moraes 

Talk by Afonso Domingues - joining from Brazil

“Resting in the Heart of Creation.” 

Silent Meditation  



Dec. 19th 2021 - Sunday 

4:00 PM IST (GMT + 5:30) – from India

Talk by Sr. Rose Pudukadan: “Jesus Prayer.” 


8:00 PM IST (GMT + 5:30) – from India

Vande Satchidananda Chanting with Marcos Mohan and Zen Moraes

Closing talk by Fr. Dorathick Rajan

Open Mic for sharing about the gathering and future announcements

Closing Prayers





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