A Credo for Today’s Christians
I believe
That there is only one God, one Infinite Reality!
That its nature is Love, Fullness and Unfolding!
I believe
That the whole of creation is a manifestation of God
That it bears the image and likeness of God
That it is ultimately one with God!
I believe
That the vocation of creation is to be fruitful and to multiply
And for human beings it includes unfolding (manifesting),
divine attributes of love and compassion in relationships!
I believe
That human beings have the gift of self-consciousness
Giving them the possibility of being ignorant of their true vocation
and also the gift of remembering it!
I believe
That when human beings are ignorant of their true vocation,
they live in bondage creating evil, disharmony, division
and violence within and in the world!
I believe
That when human beings remember their true nature,
They live in freedom creating goodness, harmony, unity
and peace within and in the world!
I believe
That human beings evolve in their relationship with God,
with one another and with creation,
until they realize their oneness with all of them!
I believe
That all human desires are ultimately desires for God, the infinite happiness,
but ignorance projects them in the wrong direction.
Human desire should not be renounced but should be transformed (elevated) into the desire of God!
I believe
That in the Biblical Tradition Jesus Christ had realized this truth
and invited everyone to do the same!
I believe
That Jesus Christ refused to deny his spiritual realization
and accepted his humiliating death on the Cross for the spiritual growth of every single human being
and for the unity and liberation of mankind!
I believe
That Truth is Life and it cannot be put into the tombs of narrow mental constructions
for it will rise and will be always victorious!
I believe
That life and death are part of the manifested world
But our ultimate nature is LIFE that knows no death. Amen.
Our belief should become our realization